Please note – we have changed a number for collection, the number is: 0747600910

After Registration only!!

Friday: 09:00-14:00 (last entry at 13:00)
Saturday: 09:00-14:00. or until the end of the ripe fruit (last entry at 12:30)

The fruits that can be picked and eaten: strawberry, red raspberry and a little Pitango.

At this stage of the season, fruit cannot be taken home.

Our price list


Per person

Under the age of 3 the entrance is free Pensioners, soldiers, and holders of disability certificates: NIS 40

**Buying fruit boxes depends on the amount of fruit in the area.

The harvest is in an agricultural area, west of the Lagada settlement

Coming from the north

On road 40 you have to reach the Gedera settlement and turn right towards the Gederat settlements, in front of the Sadesh gas station.

Coming from the south

On road 40 you have to get to the Gedera settlement and turn left towards the Gederat settlements, immediately after the "Sonol" gas station.

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